Posts about life, tech, TV, photos, internet video, etc.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
SNL on the iPhone
On the latest Weekend Update, there was a great "interview" with Steve Jobs. I found it to be the funniest thing I have seen on SNL in a long time, which just goes to show how much nerdiness I really do posses.
And, a slightly older SNL skit poking fun at the ever-shrinking iPod:
Posted by
12:25 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Switcher
To appease myself, I have decided to start hosting a weekly (for now) podcast affectionately titled "The Switcher." I know that there are a few people out there doing similar things so I hope I'm not stepping on any toes. But I think the fact that I am a total Mac geek is very interesting considering I don't use a Mac. I don't own a Mac. In fact, the closest I have gotten to a "modern" Mac is playing with one at the Apple Store. Speaking of the Apple Store, isn't it cool how you can just walk up to them and use them? First thing I do is sign in to Gmail and check and see if I have anything new. So cool. But anyway, the closest I come to anything Apple-related physically is my 5G iPod. Sure, it is filled to the brim with podcast after podcast that are focused on Apple. From MacBreak Weekly to The MacCast to TechNight, I've got Mac on my brain (and in my ears) from morning till night sometimes.
So, I'm starting this podcast for two reasons, really. The first is because I really like to talk about Apple. Second, I want to find out what the cause of my fascination is. Is it a phase? If/when I get my Mac (most likely a laptop since I'm kind of waiting for that rumored 12" ultra portable MacBook Pro), will I lose interest in it? Will it because just a PC? Will my boyish wonder fade away? Or will I smile every time I sit down at it? Hopefully by talking these things through I'll find out.
To check out the live version of my show, click on the TalkShoe graphic in the sidebar at or slightly before 11 PM central time on Thursday nights. You'll be able to listen live or, if you choose, call in and participate. After the live shows, TalkShoe kindly posts the audio of the show so that it can be downloaded either one at a time or via a feed. I may or may not do some minor editing to the show - we shall see.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
New year, new template. Isn't change wonderful? Also, some photos and video from my most wonderful New Year's weekend.
First, the videos:
and the photos:
Posted by
9:56 PM