Vacation Update
My mini-vacation is halfway over and I'm already wishing it was two weeks instead of one. So far I have made two trips to Oskaloosa, one trip to Des Moines (including a side trip to Altoona), and tooled around Pella.
My first excursion was with Mom to JCPenney in Oskaloosa's wonderful Penn Central Mall. It is seriously the smallest Penney's I have ever seen - the whole store is walkable in under a minute. I got a couple pairs of shorts and picked out some new polos for my dad. Overall a good trip.
On Monday we went to the Iowa State Fair. It was fun. Highlights include the RVs, the pre-fab houses, the "sky tram," and the food. I took a lot of pictures but due to not having access to my computer, I have been unable to get them online. I will work on that. After the fair we went to the Prairie Meadows Racetrack & Casino. We stayed there for seven hours. No, that is not a typo. Seven hours. I was bored out of my mind. I can handle slots for an hour, maybe two - three at the very most. But seven. That's a bit excessive.
For the last two days I have basically been sitting at home by myself since everyone else is either working or at school (or both). I haven't gotten much accomplished although I have managed to work out my parent's DVR/DVD Recorder issues. In fact, I am so impressed with their DVR that I am considering ordering one from Comcast when I get back home.
Tomorrow (or is it today?) the plan is to go to the Amana Colonies to walk around and maybe do a little shopping. We are also going to a Casino. Yes. Another casino. Hopefully it won't be seven hours this time. Seven.
Friday Mom and I will be going to the nice new Jordan Creek mall. Hopefully I will find some good "deals."
It's your discovery, good job!
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